ari ni dalam sejarah = 20/08/2008

huhuhu...ari ni masuk da hari ke2 aku bkerja minggu nih..klu nak campur minggu lps, makne nyer 3 ari la..kan? so,ari ni..ape da aku n kawan2 aku da wat kat dlm lab nih? rs2 nyer xwat pape pun..just observe2 kat kaunter pnerimaan sample n wat 'cantuman' kromosome jew kot..
aku sbnar nyer nak post ape yg ktorg da wat pada ari 1st n 2nd bkerja kat cni,tp masa tak mgizinkan..yea la..da on9 pun scara curik2 cam gni,nak ada ms camne kan..kih3333

ok,aku chow dlu..pape hal,nanti aku post lagik..
p/s secret : da update la nih kan? hahaahahah


weh korang..sowi r..da lme x post pape..aku wat2 bz r skunk pun aku tgh curik2 on9..klu bos taw ni, abes la..hehehehe..k,klu de pape, juz sms kat no phone @pun fs @pun kat shoutbox 2 leh la tulis pape..k?

aku chow dlu la sblm kn pape..hahahaha....

Korg prefer Panas @ Sejuk?

Pada suatu hari Amran singgah di sebuah restoran untuk minum petang. Kebetulan dalam poketnya hanya ada RM 0.70 sen. Jadi, dia bertanya pelayan harga minuman panas dan sejuk. Pelayan pun menjawab.
“minuman panas RM 0.70 sen dan minuman sejuk RM 1.20”
Amran tanpa teragak-agak terus meminta tea panas. Apabila pelayan menghantar segelas tea panas kepadanya, cepat-cepat Amran meneguk air mendidih itu sehingga habis. Pelayan yang pelik dengan tindakannya itu pun btanya,
“Eh kenapa awak minum laju-laju ni. Air tu kan panas lagi”
Selamba Amran menjawab, “Kalau tak minum cepat nanti sejuk. Ha kalau sejuk, saya kena bayar RM 1.20 pulak. Dahlah duit saya tinggal 0.70 sen je.”

Trick bdk2 zaman skunk - Cuti sakit

Suatu hari, Salmah ponteng skolah. Dia mnelefon guru kelasnya dan menyamar sebagai ibunya.

Salmah : hello, adakah itu cikgu Aminah Binti Ali, guru kelas tahun Enam Hijau?
Cikgu : Ya, saya.
Salmah : Cikgu, hari ini Salmah tidak dapat hadir ke sekolah kerana sakit.
Cikgu : ok…ok…, er boleh saya tahu siapa yang sedang bercakap?
Salmah : Emak saya…

so, cikgu2 kat luar careful n watchout wiz ur anak murid..kih3333

Bos POWER...

Ni kisah sorg makhluk yg dilantik mgantikan bos asal sbuah kompeni besar. Dsebabkan masalah pekerja2 yg agak kureng motivasi, selalu cuai n pemalas, bos baru ni bcadang nak ajar mrk skit pd ari pertama doa kat kompeni 2..jdi, sape2 yg dia nmpak plg malas, dia akan pecat pd wak2 2 jgk!!!. Mmg malang x berbaw, dia tnampak sorg pkerja yg dok menyandar kat tepi dinding.

“Yang bbaju merah tu!!” dia mjerit. Jeritan kuat mnyebabkan sume pkerja tersentak dan mmandang ke arah llki bkenaan.

“Brape gaji awak?”, dia btanya dgn nada yg agak keras.

“Dalam RM 800”, jwb pkerja tu..

Lalu bos tu mnjawab, “Nah, amik nie RM 800, berambos ko dr cni skarang jgk. aku takmoh tgk muka ko lg..Klu nak malas2, pegi tmpt lain.

Pkerja tu amik duit tu, pas2 trus blah cam tu jew..Bos td mmandang kesemua pkerja2 nyer sperti mahu mrk paham, sape malas, pasti kn pecat!!! Merasakan pkerja2 mmahami maksud kejadian td, bos tu mrasa puas. Sblm bos itu msuk smula ke dlm opis nyer, dia btanya kpd salah seorg pkerja di c2, “Mamat tadi tu keja jabatan mn?”

Jawab si pkerja tu, “Ooooo, dia tu PENGHANTAR PIZZA!!!”…. gulrp!!!!


Left a few days lagik tuk aku brangkat n bpindah ke new place, that place yg aku xketahuan keadaan nyer camne..huhuhu..psoklan yg mbenak d pale hotak,blh ke aku adapt dgn tmpt br 2 nnti? Huhuhu..jwpn tuk soklan tu, hanya Allah je yg taw wat ms skunk nih..aku cuma mmpu bdoa spy sume nyer bkeadaan bek..amin..

Stelah bhempas pulas bbrapa ari, brg2 da siap dpacking..tinggal nak cmpak n muat turun ke dlm bonet keta jew..xtaw la muat ke x..brg punyer la bnyk giler2 babaz..bonet plak xla beso mn pun..huhuhu.. Tu blum msk baldi, laptop, almari, cermin beso, tilam n bantal busuk aku lagik..hahaha..leh jadik huru hara cam gni..blh jdk laptopku dikakiku..hahaha…rs2 nyer ada x cara nak solvekan prob ni? Wawawa..xpe la..kte layan jew..zassss!!!

ni bonet nyer..

ni brg2 yg banyak 2..huhuhu

HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY nyer da lme aku x post luahan atie ke atie ni kan..smnjak 2 mnjak ni asik2 post madah2 pujangga je..da la cedok n ciplak o copi n milo dr mn2 sumber..pas2 post..keja maw sng jew..hahahah..i’m so sowi 2 all source coz not inform u all about it..hehehe..While Bulan Ogos ni dtg.. = Ari kawankapal..(heheh..=Frenz + ship day) ni..i wanna 2 talk about kawan la.. Rs nyer blum tlambat lg kan..

Korg penah x lalui situasi d mn korg x penah jmpe x-skoolmate ms sek rndh dlm tempoh slama 10 taun, mcm aku? Huhuhu…yup..aku la org yg dimentionkan td..slps aku memBLAHkan diri aku jauh ke ngeri len..huh!

Dlu aku blaja kat SKTN (fullname : Sek. Keb. Taman Nirwana,Ampang-Selangor)..abes je skolah rendh, aku trus blah g Ngeri 9..dok hostel kat SMKBK (fullname: Sek. Men. Keb. Batu Kikir,Jempol)..bayangkan la..aku x penah jmpe o hangout dgn dorg lps tu..hohoho..windu mmg windu,nak wat camne kan..redha je la..hahaha..br2 ni pun,aku br jmpe sorg 2 kwn2 skolah rndh..2 pun kat best jew khidupan dorg skunk,yg x brubah2, muka tetap sme cam dlu2..still comey, fashionable, n chantek..tang tu,mmg tak brubah..hehehehe…mayb aku je la kot yg brubah..aku kan itik angsa..hahaha

Ok..tyme aku lalui khidupan kat hostel plak..aku mmg jadik ANTOO PUAKA la slama 3 taun,iai2 dr F1 smpi F3..heheheh..ape yg x penah bdk2 aspuri len wat,aku wat..huhuhu..mmg nakal gler r tyme dlu2..lbh nakal dr skunk x nakal nyer..aku jmpe “gu” 1 pale ngan aku..hahaha.. Aku ingat lagik tyme form 1 tu..nak dkatekan,tiap2 mggu nih g m’fly’kan diri..alasan nyer remeh je..nak g makan nasik lemak la..nak lepak2 kat umah bdk2 ni la..nak g kenduri umah Induk la (p/s : Induk tu nm tukang masak dewan makan bdk2 hostel batu kikir)....yg chantek nyer,ktorg xpenah la plak kantoi ngan warden..line clear beb..haha..seingat aku,tyme tu yg sme2 antu ngan aku : ila (aka padil), Juju, Ainiq,..(p/s : yg aku tak ingat tu,sowi..hehehe). Tp,tak la sume mmbr aku yg antu kan..ada gak yg bek2 = ustajah..hehehe..Antara nyer : Faraumi, Pa’e, Zieda, Anoi, Aida, Nina, Lin, Nadia,..

Tyme aku mula msk F4,sume kwn2 aku yg gle2 tu da g ntah ke mn..sume g tmpt blaja yg best2..aku? mula jadik bdk plg bek d hostel woo..hahaha..tyme ni la aku developed jadik bdk pompuan yg btul2 pompuan..wah..tlebey sudah…hahaha..pas2 mula dlantik jadik pengawas la..pbimbing rakan sebaya la..AJK asrama la..ape la..saham pun nek la tyme ni..hahaha..tyme ni pun..aku kwn ngan mmbr2 yg bek2 da..Nina, Amai, Intan, Rulash..aku pun da tak brutal sgt da tyme nih..brutal ttp ada,tp tak la se’highest’ dlu2..wawawa..

Pas2,seingat aku..nek F5,aku n kwn2 sramai 12 org built 1 team taw(aku, Nina, Chem, Cik K, Umi Aini, Umi Sara, Chiedot, Mariana, Amai, Ayoie, Rulash..alamak sorg lg lupa la plak..heheh) ni ktorg nme kan PMK..maksud nyer : Puak Menuju Kejayaan..hahaha..klaka2..tyme ni btul2 r mnuju kjayaan gler babaz..tyme ni pun nak spm kan..haruslah..hahaha..tyme ni mmg gler r..sume2 ahli g makan sme2,bgambar sme2, mgorat sme2,jadik spy sme2,gaduh sme2, blaja sme2,ngumpat sme2,anti buli bdk sme2(-aku kan senior..hehehe..) sume la sme2..aku ingat lagik tyme dlu2, aku ada la admire kat sorg mamat ni..leh lak mmbr2 aku nih bg moral support, g syorkan ktorg g pjbt skolah,amik maklumat pasal bdk ni..hahaha..dgn cover n line up yg chantek lg bek nyer..sume maklumat tu dpt dperolehi dgn slambe n bjaya nyer..hahaha..dr, alamat umah, nm penuh ayah dia,nm penuh mak dia..ape lg yg nak?..sume ada..klaka2..

Huhuhuhu..tu la zaman skolah dlu2..mmg gle2 n slamber..sume2 dorg tu byk bantu aku jadik diri aku, Nordiyana Ishak, yg skunk nie..tme kasih korg!!! I appreciate it..dksempatan nie gak,aku nak mintak maaf bbanyak kat korg klu2 aku ada wat salah n silap ms kte bkawan..hope we still can keep in touch although we hav a new situation, new frenz n new life..Thanks coz sudi jdk kawan aku slama ni..

p/s : aku mintak maaf kat mn2 kwn yg aku x sebutkan nme nyer..almaklumla..short system syndrome mlekat kat mn2 yg dia suka kat otak aku nih..hahahah…

buat manusia yg tak penah senyum n ketawa..ngeh3

Dalam byk2 kain, kain apa yang paling berat di dunia?

= Kain songket cap Gajah Duduk

Soalan matematik. = 2 apek - 1 nyonya = ? jwpn nyer

=Jatuh la nyonya tu...

Ibunya satu, anaknya beribu, apa dia?

= Penyapu

Kalau 1 + 1 = 2, jawapan lain?

= Jawapan lain salah la...

Ibunya diurut, anaknya dipijak. =?

= Tangga

Dalam byk2 pokok, pokok apa bila manusia nampak dia lari?

= Pokok nak tumbang la...

Lagu apa yang semua orang di dunia ini boleh menyayikannya?

= Lagu 'Happy Birthday'

Air apakah yang paling berani sekali?

= Air terjun

Sungai apa yang paling kurus di dunia?

= 'Slim River'

Sungai apakah yang tiada air?

= Sungai di dalam peta

Buah apa bila kte masak dia timbul?

= Buah Melaka

Kalau semua manusia jadi ikan, ikan jadi apa?

= Jadi banyak la...

Apakah persamaan antara ikan kod dengan kod gitar?

= Kedua-duanya boleh digoreng

Ikan apakah yang mempunyai ketiak?

= Ikan duyung

Banyak-banyak bas, bas apa yang pandai

= Bas sekolah lah, the only bas pegi sekolah

Banyak-banyak mi, mi apa yang boleh makan ngan ais

= MIlo ais

Kenapa anjing kencing angkat sebelah kaki

= Sebab kalau dia angkat dua kaki, dia jatuh. sebab tulah dia angkat sbelah je..

Apa perbezaan lampu stadium ngan lampu bilik?

= Lampu stadium time ada game dia bukak, tapi kalau lampu bilik time ada

'game' dia padam..

Apa binatang, badan kecik macam semut tapi mata besar "bulb" mentol?

= Semut yang matanya BENGKAK

Mana lagi tua, motorsikal ke kereta?

= Motorsikal......sebab dia pakai tongkat

Ahmad bin Abu, kambing bin apa?

= kambing binATANg

Bagaimana nak bezakan ikan betina ngan ikan jantan

= Ikan betina - ikan duyung, ikan jantan - ikan bakar, mana ada pompuann nama Bakar..


One week ago, my mom suspected I hav got chickenpox for, I try to find an information about the chickenpox disease for confirmation.heheheeh...Here,I post the information to share with u all..

What is chickenpox?

Chickenpox is a common illness that causes an itchy rash and red spots or blisters (pox) all over the body. It is most common in children, but most people will get chickenpox at some point in their lives if they have not had the chickenpox vaccine.

Chickenpox usually isn't serious in healthy children. But it can cause problems for pregnant women, newborns, teens and adults, and people who have immune system problems that make it hard for the body to fight infection.

After you have had chickenpox, you are not likely to get it again. But the virus stays in your body long after you get over the illness. If the virus becomes active again, it can cause a painful viral infection called shingles.

What causes chickenpox, and how is it spread?

Chickenpox is caused by the varicella-zoster virus. It can spread easily. You can get it from an infected person who sneezes, coughs, or shares food or drinks. You can also get it if you touch the fluid from a chickenpox blister.

A person who has chickenpox can spread the virus even before he or she has any symptoms. Chickenpox is most easily spread from 2 to 3 days before the rash appears until all the blisters have crusted over.

What are the symptoms?

The first symptoms of chickenpox often are a fever, a headache, and a sore throat. You may feel sick, tired, and not very hungry. The chickenpox rash usually appears about 1 or 2 days after the first symptoms start

After a chickenpox red spot appears, it usually takes about 1 or 2 days for the spot to go through all its stages. This includes blistering, bursting, drying, and crusting over. New red spots will appear every day for up to 5 to 7 days. Usually all blisters have crusted over about 10 days after the first symptoms start.

Other illnesses can have symptoms like those of chickenpox. For this reason, you may think you have had chickenpox twice when instead you have had two different infections.

How is chickenpox diagnosed?

Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and will examine you. This usually gives your doctor enough information to find out if you have chickenpox.

How is it treated?

Most healthy children and adults need only home treatment for chickenpox. Home treatment includes resting and taking medicines to reduce fever and itching. You also can soak in oatmeal baths to help with itching.

How can you prevent chickenpox?

You can prevent chickenpox by getting the chickenpox (varicella) vaccine. Doctors recommend two doses of this shot for most children 12 months of age and older who have not had chickenpox. Older children and adults who have not had chickenpox and have not yet had the vaccine can also get the shot.

Most children do not have a reaction from the vaccine. But if the child has a serious or long-term illness, talk to the doctor about whether the child should have the vaccine. These children may have a bad reaction from the vaccine.

If you have been around a person who has the virus and you have not had chickenpox or the vaccine, you still may be able to prevent the illness. Get a shot of chickenpox antibodies or the vaccine right away.

Rarely, people who have had the vaccine still get chickenpox. This is called a breakthrough infection. If this happens, you will probably get a milder form of the virus, with fewer blisters and symptoms.

Some parents expose their children to chickenpox because they think it is safer for children to have the illness when they are young. So, do not expose your child to chickenpox on purpose. But this isn't a good idea, because even young children can have serious problems from chickenpox.